Book Design
Below is a collection of book covers and interiors that we have designed over the years, for various clients.
A collection of poetry and artwork by Eli Garsilazo. Designed by Sean Christensen.
Burlington Great Streets Design Standards
On behalf of Suisman Urban Design
Wilshire Roundtables
A series of five roundtable discussions about Wilshire Boulevard, conducted between December, 1991 and February, 1992.
On behalf of Suisman Urban Design
Grand Visions
A photographic exploration of Grand Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles. Photos by Doug Suisman.
On behalf of Suisman Urban Design
My Boulevards
An essay by Doug Suisman, originally published in 2016 in Boom California. Accompanied by original sketches and photographs.
On behalf of Suisman Urban Design
Downtown Hartford: 10 Years of Transformation
Book celebrating 10 years of the iQuilt Plan in Hartford, CT.
On behalf of Suisman Urban Design
Costs of Conflict
Cover designs for a major RAND Corporation publication on the costs of the Israeil-Palestinian conflict.
On behalf of Suisman Urban Design
Cover of main report
The executive summary was published in three languages. The design of the cover changed to allow the word “costs” in each corresponding language to come forward, while the others recede.